Saturday, July 20, 2013

Superman/Batman - 5 Reasons Why I'm Excited/ 5 Reasons Why I'm Worried

Today at the Warner Bros./Legendary Panel at Comic-Con, it was announced that there will be an upcoming Superman/Batman film to be released in 2015. My feelings about this are mixed, to say the least.

5 Reasons Why I'm Excited

1. It sets up for the Justice League- It will combine two of DC's biggest heroes, who are both members of the Justice League. We're getting closer and closer to the Justice League movie, which has the capacity to be better than The Avengers. As far as comics and stories go, I've also thought the Justice League was better. (It was also announced that a movie centering around the Flash will come out after the Superman/Batman film and after that will come the Justice League film.)
2. Henry Cavill is back as Superman- As many problems that Man of Steel may have had, casting Henry Cavill is not one of them.
3. Batman and Superman's Relationship- Batman and Superman's dynamic is very interesting to me, as they are almost two sides of the same coin. They have clashed countless times in the comics about how things should be handled and it'll be great to see how that's handled on screen.
4. Adding Batman Might Mean Less Lois Lane- Because let's be honest, as great as Amy Adams, the character of Lois Lane sucked in Man of Steel.
5. It's Batman and Superman in One Movie- Seriously, that's enough right there. I'm having a super nerdy freak out just thinking about it. This movie could be amazing.

5 Reasons Why I'm Worried

1. Casting a New Batman- Christian Bale has said he's done with being Batman, so a new one will have to be cast. They could choose to keep Joseph Gordon-Levitt like they set up to do at the end of The Dark Knight Rises, but that wouldn't quite work, since it's Bruce Wayne's attitudes and behaviors that lead to clashing with Superman. Honestly though, I can't think of anybody who could take Bale's place.
2. The Villain-  The villain is going to have be pretty formidable in order to force Batman and Superman to work together. The problem is that the villain can't be TOO formidable, since the baddie will have to be tougher and stronger for the eventual Justice League film. I really hope Lex Luthor is used in some capacity.
3. Bad Timing- This movie is coming out in a summer that also boast Avengers 2 and Star Wars Episode 7, which will probably end up being some of the biggest movies ever. This movie definitely could be as well, but will the summer feel overcrowded? Can we handle that many nerdy things happening at once? Will it cause me to die of nerd overdose?
4. A Possible Horrible Title- While I doubt it will match the awfulness of the newly announced title for the second Avengers film (The Avengers: Age of Ultron - seriously, how bad is that) or the latest Star Trek (come on, admit it), it still has the possibility to be named something stupid. Let's keep it simple D.C. Superman/Batman is a good enough title.
5. Man of Steel Messed Up Key Aspects of Superman's Character Which Had Led to His Conflicts With Batman in the Comics - The fact that Superman (SPOILER ALERT) kills somebody in Man of Steel changes the relationship between him and Batman. Their classic squabbles were typically because Superman's morality caused him to be angry at some of Batman's methods of handling things. Of course, the fact that he has killed somebody might increase Batman's fear that Superman is too powerful (which is why Batman keeps kryptonite, just in case).

So this is what I think about the possibility of this movie. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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