Monday, May 6, 2013

Iron Man 3 (2013) - Review

Iron Man 3 (2013) - Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau, Ben Kingsley. Written by Drew Pearce and Shane Black. Directed by Shane Black. Rated PG-13. Now in theaters.

(Possible Spoilers)
By the time most franchises hit their third film, or threequel, the movies feel bloated and seem to diminish in quality. This is not the case with Iron Man 3. It was fantastic, possibly because of the addition of a new director, Shane Black. The people at Marvel obviously know what they're doing, since they continue to produce hit after hit. Iron Man 3 begins Marvel's so called "Phase Two" and if all of Phase Two is up to the caliber of Iron Man 3, I'm really excited to see what happens. Iron Man 3 was funnier and more action-packed than the previous Iron Man movies. I personally believe that this was the best Iron Man movie and that it rivaled the Avengers.

That doesn't mean that's its flawless. Sure. it's completely unrealistic and sometimes the bad guy's plan doesn't make sense, but none of that matters. It's a superhero movie, you should know by now what to expect going into it. It is a great superhero movie though, one of the best.

What really impressed me with this movie is how many risks they chose to take. They're were several times during the movie where I was worried that certain things that happened were going to ruin the movie (the addition of a little kid into the story, the complete reworking of the backstory of a villain, the use of Eifel 65's song "Blue" to open the film). However, all of these risks paid off to make this movie great. Another interesting choice in the film was to keep Tony Stark out of the armor for a good portion of the film. This gave a chance for Robert Downey Jr. to kill his performance and prove that the fans love the man behind the armor just as much as they love Iron Man. If they stay this good, I'll keep watching until Iron Man 38.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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