Friday, October 4, 2013

Prisoners (2013) - Review

Prisoners - Starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Terrence Howard, Paul Dano, Melissa Leo, Viola Davis, Maria Bello. Written by Aaron Guzikowski. Directed by Denis Villeneuve. Rated R. Now in Theaters.

Prisoners tells the story of two girls who were abducted, the investigator assigned to their case, and the father who will go to any lengths to get his daughter back. Prisoners is reminiscent of the film Mystic River, and I have also heard it compared to Gone Baby Gone and Zodiac. The film features a compelling story which poses a moral question and has many twists and turns. Its two and a half hour running time only feels like it is being dragged out in one scene, but other than that doesn't feel too long.

The performances are amazing. All of the main characters are immensely talented actors who do great with the material that they are given and effectively play realistic versions of their characters. There will undoubtably be Oscar-buzz for some of these performances, particularly for Jackman and Gyllenhaal, but in a less competitive year, the entire cast could score nods. 

My only complaint with this film is the ending, which felt cheap to me. It didn't really serve much of a purpose thematically, in my opinion, and was completely unnecessary. This span of a few seconds nearly ruined an otherwise quite great movie for me. Regardless, this movie is quite good.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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