Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gravity (2013) - Review

Gravity (2013) - Starring Sandra Bullock, George Clooney. Written by Jonás Cuarón and Alfonso Cuarón. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Rated PG-13. Now in Theaters. 

Gravity follows Medical Officer Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) as she is stranded in space with no communication whatsoever and a near impossible chance of survival. This film is visually stunning and the performances are great, especially Bullock who gives a career best performance. This is one of those films, like Avatar, that completely change the way films are shot. I saw Gravity in IMAX 3D and it was one of the most amazing cinematic experiences I have ever experienced. Normally, I am not a huge fan of 3D films, but this is one of a handful of times where I felt like 3D was efficiently used, and not just as a gimmick. Another amazing part about this movie is that it is only 90 minutes. Nothing feels stretched out or overdone. It feels like the exact right amount of time that the film needed to tell its story. The only complaint I could find possibly is that there might be some scientific inaccuracies (which, let's be honest, I don't really care that much at all about) and the dialogue seems a little stiff and weird at parts. But it's not enough to keep this from being an absolutely amazing film.

Should you go see Gravity? Absolutely. See it in 3D. And if you can, see it in IMAX 3D, do it. It's worth it. Especially since there's a high chance that it will be most likely nominated for (and possibly win) Best Picture.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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