Monday, September 9, 2013

The Crying Game (1992) - Review

The Crying Game (1992) - Starring Stephen Rea, Jaye Davidson, Forest Whitaker, Miranda Richardson, Adrian Dunbar, Jim Broadbent. Written and Directed by Neil Jordan. Rated R. Available on Netflix Watch Instantly.

The Crying Game is a bizarre film. Once it was over, I didn't know whether I enjoyed it or not. I still don't. What makes this film so difficult to me is that it doesn't fit any type of genre. It starts off as a war hostage thriller, takes a turn into a romantic storyline, and then goes into a crime thriller. And to top it off, there's an insane twist, that while interesting, doesn't really do anything to add to the overall plot. Maybe I'm missing the point of the film. I guess the twist does add to the development of the main character, but it felt random to me.

If you haven't seen the movie, don't let anyone ruin the twist for you. It is better if you don't know what it is going in.

The acting in this film is pretty good, but the directing feels like a typical 90's movie. The interesting part of this movie is the story, because it is so bizarre. It is quite critically acclaimed, but I'm still not sure if I liked it or not.

Rating 3 out of 5.

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